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Siemens est une puissance mondiale positionné le long de la chaîne de valeur de l'électrification - la production d'électricité, la transmission et la distribution de solutions de réseaux intelligents et l'application efficace de l'énergie électrique - ainsi que dans les domaines de l'imagerie médicale et du diagnostic in vitro. Au 30 Septembre 2014, nous avions environ 343 000 employés dans le monde. Commandes se chiffrent à ? 78,4 milliards et les recettes provenant des activités poursuivies était de ? 71,9 milliards pour l'exercice 2014.
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Services for greater productivity in production machinery Support over the entire lifecycle, from the design simulation to the retrofit Brochure · October 2009
Putting the right spin on efficiency From a single source: Drive and automation solutions for pumps, fans and compressors
Safety Integrated for Drives and Motion Control All-in-one solution for standard and safety technology Brochure · April 2011
Safety Integrated in drive technology Innovative, new expanded safety-relevant functions from V3.2 for SINAMICS G120 and G120D
Solutions for handling applications Controlled motion sequences – faster, simpler and more cost-effective
SIMATIC S7-300 The modular controller for factory automation sets standards in performance and new features.
Geared servo motors For every Motion Control application the appropriate geared motor Brochure · September 2008
SIMATIC Technology For technological tasks – counting/measuring, cam control, closed-loop control, motion control Brochure · April 2011
EtherNet/IP products A comprehensive and flexible solution from Siemens with „ Best-in-Class“ features
Best Practice in CNC The integrated system platform of the Siemens SINUMERIK CNC system family has now been extended with the compact class