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General Industrial Controls Private Limited (GIC) started operations in 1972 as a manufacturer of Electronic Control and Timing Devices. Though the beginnings were modest, the passion to excel and succeed was overwhelming. Capacity expansion, fueled by ever increasing product demands, has resulted in growth that has surpassed expectations.
Today, we are an ISO 9001:2008, TS 16949 certified organization with a state-of-the-art plant having integrated facilities for everything from ‘design to delivery’ under one roof. Our high performance products for Process Control and Automation applications, together with our ingenious Tooling solutions, are finding a growing acceptance worldwide.
Our product categories include
Today, we are an ISO 9001:2008, TS 16949 certified organization with a state-of-the-art plant having integrated facilities for everything from ‘design to delivery’ under one roof. Our high performance products for Process Control and Automation applications, together with our ingenious Tooling solutions, are finding a growing acceptance worldwide.
Our product categories include